Friday, June 6, 2008

Our Video Blog

Recently, resident cinematographer Gary Kangas compiled some thoughts from residents regarding the library and other services. Take a peek to see what folks young and old in town have to say and see some of the work of one of Hubbardston's artists.


Anonymous said...

Gary,,,What a great job with your video essay! Thanks so much for all you do for the town. I know you did a lot of research for it in the Hubbardston Historical Society Museum that is housed on the top floor of the library. Where will the museum artifacts be stored if the library closes?

Hubbardston Public Library said...

The residents of Hubbardston need to show their support of the library by passing the override now and supporiting measures in the future to update the building to make the Historical Society's archives accessible to the public.

Gary, great video! Thank you!

toplibrarian said...

I'm a librarian in New Jersey and Gary, your video essay brought tears to my eyes. I couldn't imagine living in a town without a library. It's in difficult economic times when libraries are so important. They provide so many free services - from help with job searches to simply finding free entertainment through reading. If you go down,I hope you all go down fighting. Good luck!